Media Advocacy Workshop was held in Adama for three days from July 7-10, 2023

Media Advocacy Workshop was held in Adama for three days from July 7-10, 2023. The session was therefore actively attended by ten journalists from Jimma, Gambella, Dessa, Adama, Bahir Dar, and Addis Abeba. As a result, those journalists have been able to learn more about SRHR, become familiar with its challenges and opportunities, and improved their knowledge on reproductive health (RH) issues.


Moreover, they have discussed their experiences and updated their existing knowledge in relation to RH vs media advocacy for radio, television, press, and social media platforms. Participants have also produced SRH/FP messages as a form of news, documentaries, and stories in Amharic, Oromiffa and Harri languages.

All of the media productions will then be released through the existing local media outlets they are working on. The workshop was a prelude for the regional media advocacy planned to happen in August 2023 as well.




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