AYSRH Program Description


FGAE plays a substantial role in advancing the SRH status and wellbeing of underserved and vulnerable young people [from 10 to 24 years of age] through strong partnership and networking with government and other stakeholders. FGAE is also committed in scaling up of innovative approaches such as adolescent & youth-centered SRH program intervention where young people are at the center of project management cycles.

To this effect, FGAE has institutionalized a system ensuring meaningful participation of adolescents and youth including in the governance of the Association, where they have a 20% representation at all levels of the decision making organ of the Association. FGAE also repositioned the AYSRH program, since 2016,whereby all service delivery modalities have integrated AYSRH Program interventions. This involves creating access beyond static delivery, i.e. taking the AYSRH intervention to the place where target groups can be found in large numbers.

In this regard, the FGAE AYSRH program target constituencies mainly refer to underserved, most at risk, and vulnerable young people, specifically:

      •  Young married rural women and men;
      •  In and out of school adolescents and youth
      •  Young people in rural and pastoralist areas, including those in humanitarian crisis
      •  Persons with special needs
      •  Young people having transactional sexual relationships
      •  Young HIV positive and
      •  Youth casual or seasonal workers at emerging risky industrial corridors, large scale   plantation sites or work places, as well as First-year students in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs).

FGAE is providing a broad range of SRH information and services for Adolescents and Youth, by specifically targeting 15-24 age groups. These interventions mainly include:

      • Skill Based Comprehensive Sexuality & Family Life Education
      • Edutainment Program Intervention
      • Integrated FP Services
      • HIV Testing & Counseling including PMTCT
      • STIs Diagnosis & Treatment
      • ART and Opportunistic Infections (OI) Management
      • Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC)
      • MNCH (ANC, PNC, and Immunization)
      • Gynecological Care,
      • Pregnancy test and other SRH Lab services
      • Specialized Counseling
      • Counseling services and clinical management related care for rape survivors
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