Internal Audit & Compliance Division

Internal Audit and Compliance Division provides an independent and objective assurance Internal controls to mitigate risks, Governance processes, effectiveness, efficiency, organizational goals and objectives are met in compliance with rules, regulations and to overall best business practices.

Objectives of Internal Audit & Compliance Division:
  1. To assist FGAE achieve its vision and strategic objectives through strengthening the internal control system of the Association by conducting internal audit.
  2. To bridge the gap between management and the board, assess the ethical climate effectiveness and efficiency of operations, and serves as an organization’s safety net for compliance with rules, regulations, and overall best business practices.
  3. To provide an independent and objective consultancy service specifically to help management to improve the organization’s risk management, control and governance. Internal audit applies professional skills through a systematic and disciplined evaluation of the policies, procedures and operations that management put in place to ensure the achievement of the Association’s objectives through recommendations for improvement. Such consultancy work contributes to the opinion which internal audit provides on risk management, control and governance.
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