The Governance and Volunteers Structure of FGAE

FGAE’s Governance structure at the national level is comprised of the General Assembly (GA), and Executive Board (EB).

The General Assembly (GA)

The General Assembly (GA) is the main Decision Maker Supreme Organ of the Association. Members of the General Assembly includes the Executive Board (EB), Area Office Advisory Board (AOAB) and representatives of youth (WYAMH) of Associations who have a voting right and representing all Area Office Volunteer representatives of which 50+ Women members and national youth representatives. Government sector Ministries are members of the General Assembly with no voting right. As per FGAE’s Constitution and bylaw the terms of office for a member of GA is Four/4/ years. If any one member of the General Assembly (GA) wishes to stand for the second consecutive term before standing down, s/he can do so if elected by Area Office Volunteers and represent their respective constituency. Nevertheless s/he cannot stand for the third consecutive term.

The Executive Board (EB)

 As per the Constitution of FGAE, the Executive Board (EB) comprises 11 members elected by the General Assembly (GA) representing all Area Office Volunteer representatives of which 50+ Women members and national youth representatives. This Body acts as the policy initiating governing body of the Association. The General Assembly (GA) also elects and task the President, Vice President, Secretary General and Treasurer as Executive Board (EB) members who are vested with power to lead the governing body, oversee the overall policy and stewardship of the Association. As per FGAE’s revised   Constitution Article 25.1 one/1/ term of office for a member of Executive Board (EB) is 4 (four) years. If any one member of the Executive Board (EB) wishes to stand for the second consecutive term, s/he can do so if elected by General Assembly (GA). S/he cannot stand for the third consecutive term and rest for one term. S/he can stand for the third term if elected by General Assembly (GA) after a rest for one term; nevertheless s/he cannot stand for more than three/3/service term-12(twelve years).

 FGAE’s Area volunteer structure

Similarly, FGAE’s Area volunteer structure has an Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM) and Area Office Advisory Board (AOAB) and Area WYAMH representatives.

 Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM)

FGAE’s Area volunteer structure of an Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM) composed of different Volunteers Membership categories with voting right (Ordinary, Lifetime members) and Non-voting right Members (Corporate, Supporting Partner Organizations, Associate (Young people<18 age) members)

The Area Office Advisory Board (AOAB)

 As per FGAE’s revised constitution Article 31.1.2, the Area Office Advisory Board (AOAB) which is elected by the Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM)  and has five/5/ members composed of 50+ Women and 20% youth representation  and who assumes position as the Area Advisory Board Chairperson, Area Secretary, Area Treasurer, Youth representative and one other member with voting rights. The Area Office Advisory Board(AOAB) serves as Area governing body of Association for the term as stipulated in the Regulation/constitution, ensure the Volunteers Base is revitalized and community involvement and ownership are strengthened, provide technical support based on their expertise/standing committees etc.

As per FGAE’s constitution the terms of office for a AOAB members is 4 (four) years. If any one member of the Area Office Advisory Board wishes to stand for the second consecutive term before standing down, s/he can do so if elected by Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM). S/he cannot stand for the third consecutive term and shall standing down & rest for one term. S/he can stand for the third term if elected by Area Annual Volunteers Meeting (AAVM)/assembly after a rest for one term, nevertheless s/he cannot stand for more than three/3/ service terms-12(twelve) years).

FGAE’s Youth Volunteers Structure -Wise Youth Action Movement for Health/WYAMH/ Council

 FGAE’s Area Youth volunteer structure is composed of Young people and Youth Volunteers <24 age who actively engaged in program and policy Volunteers. The WYAMH are represented at all level of Association’s Governing body   in 20% representation:  which is a). General Assembly/GA/8 youth representing 8 Area offices of Youths; b) Executive board member/2/ youth representing National WYAMH; c) Area Advisory board member/1 youth representing Area Office youth; and d) National WYAMH Council Members -16 Youth representative from each Area Offices as per WYAMH Policy Manual.


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