FGAE Shine at 5th AYH forum

FGAE Shines at the 5th Annual Adolescent and Youth (AYH) Forum in Addis Ababa organize by MOH

The Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) made a significant impact at the 5th Adolescent and Youth Health (AYH) Forum, which took place at the Adwa Museum in Addis Ababa from September 2-4, 2024. The event was further distinguished by speeches from three key ministers. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Education, and the Minister of Women and Social Affairs each addressed the forum, underscoring their commitment to improving adolescent and youth health. 

This year’s forum, themed “Access and Quality: Responsive Health System for All Adolescents and Youth,” provided a platform for FGAE to showcase its extensive contributions to adolescent and youth health. The event kicked off with a vibrant performance by FGAE’s youth entertainment group, which captivated attendees during the pre-conference and opening ceremony. Their engaging and colorful show set a lively and energetic tone for the forum. Additionally, FGAE played a vital role by offering free clinical services to participants, underlining their commitment to providing hands-on support and comprehensive care.

FGAE’s involvement extended to the forum’s panel discussions, where key representatives shared their expertise. Mr. Difabachew Setegn participated in a panel on “Access and Quality: Barriers and Enabling Factors for Adolescent and Youth Health Services,” where he discussed the challenges and opportunities in improving health services for young people. Meanwhile, Ms. Rediet Tibebu addressed “Responsive Health System: Innovative Approaches to Improve Adolescent and Youth Health Outcomes,” highlighting forward-thinking strategies to enhance health outcomes for adolescents and youth.

Mr. Sintayehu Demeke, Adolescent and Youth Program Lead at FGAE, emphasized the organization’s significant role at the forum. He noted that the contributions of FGAE’s youth members were particularly impactful, showcasing their dedication and influence in advancing health initiatives for young people.

Generally, FGAE’s participation in the 5th AYH Forum was marked by dynamic involvement, expert insights, and meaningful engagement, reinforcing their unwavering commitment to advancing adolescent and youth health in Ethiopia.

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